

  • TII

In our digital-first age, where the privacy and security of individuals and organizations are of paramount importance, cryptography plays a crucial role in safeguarding sensitive information. To enhance online security and encourage advancements in cryptographic systems, the Technology Innovation Institute (TII) has launched tahe UAE's first-ever cryptography challenges. One of the focus areas of the "TII McEliece Challenges" is to foster cryptanalysis and research around the renowned McEliece cryptosystem (McEliece) and identify possible weaknesses.


We have come a long way since the invention of cathode-ray tubes, magnetic drums, tape drives, and, for the older millennials out there, hard-disk drives. Collective groans and sighs aside, it is reasonable to say that we have reached the pinnacle of data storage evolution with cloud storage – large data centers located in the cloud which can be accessed anywhere in the world via the Internet. In other words, data ranging from personal family photographs to corporate financial reports are saved to a remote database instead of the computer’s hard drive.

  • ATRC

Autonomous vehicles (AVs) today are defying the odds as they continue to disrupt the world as we know it with ever-greater advancements and capabilities. Autonomous ground vehicles can already understand their environment by applying deep-learning-based algorithms on top of perceptual information acquired from their sensors. The next generation of AVs will likely be expected to navigate low-light environments, proving something of a challenge to the photometric visual perception-based tracking algorithms frequently used in such scenarios.

  • TII

Autonomous racing has long captured the public imagination, and voices clamoring for self-driving cars have been strident for well over a decade. The Technology Innovation Institute is all set to participate in the upcoming edition of the Indy Autonomous Challenge at CES 2023 this week, and it is an exciting time for us as our colleagues from the region join other teams of an elite league at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway for the second year. The racing itself is exciting, but how does this technology translate to the real world?